Barcode Scanners For All Applications

Using The Forge Batch Application Generator

A tutorial on the Cipherlab Forge Batch Application Generator for the 8001 PDT. It will work the same for the rest of the 8 Series PDT’s from Cipherlab. Screen sizes may differ and there will be additional features but the basics stay the same.

To install the USB Drivers and the Forge Batch Application Generator go to my previous post. Full instructions on the procedure and where to get the files here.

Once you have installed the USB Driver, obtained the comm port and installed the Forge Batch Application Generator we are ready to begin. Always make sure you have power applied to the dock of the 8001 for it to work.

Open the Application Generator

Location of Application Generator

This tutorial is written on a PC running Windows 10 but the location should be the same on all Window versions.

Once you have clicked on “8 Series Batch AG” the program will load and look like the image below. This is a complete blank form and we need to start with our first application.

On the Cipherlab 8001, when switched on, you are presented with a menu

  1. Collect
  2. Upload
  3. Utilities

When you select option 1 the screen displays a “Form”, Item and QTY. This is where you can scan a barcode and enter a quantity for stock take purposes.

On the Batch Application Generator screen on your PC, on the left hand column, you will see “Form”, click on “Form” and it will open 10 Forms that we can use.

First Application

For our first application we will look at the default application that is pre-loaded on the Cipherlab 8001 and how it looks on the Forge Batch Aplication Generator.

Forge Batch Application Generator

Form 1 above look like this on the Cipherlab 8001’s screen after choosing option 1 on the main menu (Collect).

To Transfer the Application to the 8001

Once you have written your application on the Application Generator, you need to transfer it to the Cipherlab 8001. Procedure as follows:

On the Application Generator select “File” and “Save as”. Give your application a name and click “Save”. This will save your application on your PC for later editing.

On the Cipherlab 8001 go back to the main menu and choose option 3 “Utilities” and then option 6 and follow the prompts. Now put the 8001 into its cradle.

Back on the PC on the Application Generator choose Menu item “Transfer” and “Send Application”. A new box appears.

Download via must be set for “Cradle-IR for the Cipherlab 8001.
Com Port must be set to the number given
Default Baud Rate 115200 bps. Unless it has been changed on the 8001.

The application will now be downloaded to your 8001.

Application using Menu and Forms

This is a simple application that was made for a client that needed the Cipherlab 8001 to have two functions.

  • To scan barcodes only with no quantities
  • To scan barcodes and enter quantities

Here we used Menu 1 and Forms 1 and 2. When they select option 1 on the main screen they are presented with a menu

The corresponding application on the PC looks like below

Forge Batch Application Generator

When the first option is selected on the 8001 “Scan Only” it sends you to form 2. If the second option is selected “Scan with QTY” its sends you to form 1.

The Forms 1 and 2 below

Form 1
Form 2

Its quite an easy application to use to change the application on the Cipherlab 8001 or 8200. In the next post I will explain how to program the unit to accept a “Look Up” file and display descriptions or other info when barcode’s are scanned. If you have any questions or need help with the Forge Batch Application Generator, you are welcome to contact us.






3 responses to “Using The Forge Batch Application Generator”

  1. […] will use the Forge Batch Application Generator explained in a previous […]

  2. […] the Cipherlab 8001 to suite your needs. An explanation on how this is done will follow in another article. For now we just need to get the scanned data downloaded from the 8001 to your […]

  3. […] the Cipherlab 8001 to suite your needs. An explanation on how this is done will follow in another article. For now we just need to get the scanned data downloaded from the 8001 to your […]