Barcode Scanners For All Applications

Handheld Stock Taking Barcode Scanner

Stock taking barcode scanner are normally called Portable Data Terminals (PDT), Mobile Computers or PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistant). They differ from normal barcode scanners in that they are portable, have memory, a keypad, a display, scanning module and powered by  a battery.

We will refer to the entry level Cipherlab 8001 as an example of a stock taking scanner.

A stock take using the 8001 PDT will normally go as follows:

  1. Scan the barcode on the shelf/bin
  2. Count the items on the shelf/bin
  3. Enter the quantity using the keypad and press Enter

Once you have completed scanning all the shelves or bins, the unit is placed in its dock, which also charges the battery. The dock will be connected to the PC with either a USB or Serial Cable. Using the standard software which comes with the unit, the scanned data is uploaded to the PC in a CSV text file format. This file can be opened in Excel or imported into your accounting/stock taking program (Check with your software vendor).

The Cipherlab 8000 range of scanners are able to be programmed with Forge Application Software which comes included in the price of the PDT. This allows the customer to change the way the scanner inputs data to suite his needs. We assist with this programming method free of charge.

The Forge Batch Application Generator and USB Drivers can be downloaded here.

For more information on the other models available for Stock Taking, Asset Management etc Click here

For more information please email






One response to “Handheld Stock Taking Barcode Scanner”

  1. […] Portable Data Terminals are scanners that have a display, keyboard and either 1D or 1D/2D built in scanner. Units are available with onboard memory that hold the scanned and entered data in memory until download. There are also models that have WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities that can transmit the scanned and entered data in real time. Read more here […]