Barcode Scanners For All Applications

Argox Barcode Printers Sales and Repairs South Africa

JNS Technologies is your one stop shop for Argox Barcode Printers. We are able to supply printers from the Entry Level OS213OD right through to the Heavy Duty X2300. We are excited about the newly released Argox CP-2240 printer and am confident that it will become one of our popular printers soon.

Quick summery of Argox Printers in order of popularity.

os214odArgox OS214Plus is our best selling barcode printer. It is our entry level Thermal Transfer printer that comes with USB, Serial and Parallel ports. Maximum print width 104 mm and minimum print width 25 mm. Good value for money medium volume printer. 1 Year Warranty.


argox_cp_2140Argox CP-2140 is also a popular printer. It takes a 300m ribbon which is ideal for larger printing demands. It has a USB and Serial port with an optional Ethernet port on the CP-2140E model. Maximum print width is 104 mm. 1 Year Warranty.


Argox X1000V is our entry level industrial strength barcode printer. The all x1000vmetal housing protects the printer in harsh environments. Maximum print width is also 104 mm. Printer comes with USB, Serial and Parallel ports. 1 Year Warranty.


Argox X2300 is our best selling heavy duty industrial strength barcode printer. It includes a LCD display which offers easy installation and argox-x2300operation. Printer can be used as a stand alone printer. Printer comes with USB, Serial and Parallel ports. 1 Year Warranty.

For more information on the range of Argox Barcode Printers contact our sales team on +27 (0) 11 425 5439 or



